no audio or video

Video/Audio doesn't play when I click them

Get Apple Quicktime FREELise's webzine uses audio and video files in  Apple Quicktime format. To play these files, you must install the Apple Quicktime Plugin on your machine. To update your version of Apple Quicktime, click here. Lise's video files are formatted for a broadband or high-speed Internet connection. These are very big files, 5-15 Megabytes in size. If you are on a dial-up connection, there will be a very long wait for these videos to play, and your connection may time out, which  means they may not play at all.

If you are using Internet Explorer on a Macintosh computer, the Quicktime plugin may not function. If you are using Mac OSX, try using either Safari or Mozilla FireFox for Macintosh OSX. If you are using system 9 or earlier on a Macintosh, the only browser available is Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.1.7, and Apple doe snot support that browser with the Quicktime plugin.


how to turn off clicks

I keep hearing "clicks" from your web pages. It's really annoying

This site uses scripts that rotate pages and features within pages. Internet Explorer has a "click" feature most people don't know how to or even realize they can turn off. If you have more than one explorer window open, these clicks can get really annoying. Luckily, you can turn this feature off.

Click START—CONTROL PANELS—SOUNDS and select SOUNDS and AUDIO DEVICES. Select the SOUNDS tab, scroll down to Windows Explorer, and find the START NAVIGATION sound. In the pulldown menu below it, you will see the sound selected for this activity, 'Windows XP Start.' If you click the arrow to the right of it, you will confirm this is, indeed, that annoying click sound.

Select NONE from the pulldown menu (it is at the top of the list). You can then click SAVE AS and name this sound scheme something (so it'll be easier to turn the click back on, though I can't imagine why anyone would want to. It's among Microsoft's more annoying innovations, and turning it off should be a LOT easier than this).


windows xp service pack 2

I have problems reading Lise's eMail

I get annoying warnings from Internet Explorer every time I use this site.

Microsoft, in its infinite wisdom, has incorporated new safety tools in windows XP. If you own a new computer or have automatic updates turned on, your computer has likely installed Windows XP Service Pack 2, which incorporates these new safety features. While they have definite advantages, these new features also come with cumbersome warnings and alerts that most people do not know how to turn off.

Lise's new eMail is formatted like a web page. Most newer eMail readers like Microsoft Outlook and Eudora should be able to display HTML eMail messages properly.

Lise's eMail uses a wallpaper graphic that should download when the message displays. If your computer is very old or very new, you may experience problems with this function.

Older computers may not be capable of displaying HTML eMail messages. Lise's eMail messages should display in plain text.

Newer machines, running Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher, have annoying security protocols in place which may prevent the wallpaper from downloading from Lise's web site.

If you do not see our wallpaper in eMail sent from Lise, your computer is probably blocking the image. If you use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express: right-click on the message in the In Box window, select Junk Mail and then Add Sender's Domain To Your Safe Sender's List.

Lise's wallpaper should display once you've informed your computer that we're okay!

To use Lise's web site (and eMail) with the new, over-protective Windows XP Service Pack 2, we strongly suggest you add to your list of Trusted Websites.


In the INTERNET OPTIONS window, select SECURITY. Click on TRUSTED SITES. DE-SELECT the little box that says "Require Server Verification."

Add this  domain to your Trusted Sites (you can copy and paste them):

Click OK.

Try viewing Lise's eMail again. The wallpaper should download.

Try viewing Lise's web site again. Most alerts should now be gone.


firewalls & privacy protection

Ok, I added the site to my Trusted Sites list,
and there are still problems!

Many new home computers come with firewalls and other privacy protections preinstalled. Unfortunately, many of these products re-write web pages "on the fly," adding proprietary code that interferes with web pages as they load. Many of these products require you to be a rocket scientist to understand how to use them. Here are some basic steps you can take to assure your over-protective firewall that this site is, indeed, safe to view. If these steps do not help, please contact our webmaster for additional help.

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Firewall
The basic privacy controls built into Windows are accessible through the INTERNET OPTIONS section of the TOOLS menu in Internet Explorer: Click the PRIVACY tab.

Click SITES:

Type in the following web site addresses (you can copy and paste them). Click ALLOW for each added domain:

Click OK. Then click the SETTINGS button in the Pop-up Blocker section:

Type in the following web site addresses (you can copy and paste them):

Click CLOSE and then OKAY to exit.

Norton Internet Security Firewall
Symantec's Norton Internet Security is the industry leader in being bloated, overprotective and annoying. McAfee Internet Security Suite is less annoying, but both will block many website features if they are not configured properly.

If you have Norton (NIS) installed, there should be a pull-down menu in the upper right-hand corner of your Internet Explorer Window. Click that menu and, from the list, choose the security settings for this site (Allow PopUps and so forth). If that does not help, your firewall settings are probably set very high, which will require you to configure your firewall to access this site. This is a little complicated, and we apologize for the hassle, but we're not making this stuff up:

Screenshot 1 - Norton Internet Security

Screenshot 1 - Norton Internet Security

1. Open Norton Internet Security

2. Click on Privacy Control

3. Click on "Configure" button

Screenshot 2 - Privacy Control

Screenshot 2 - Privacy Control

4. In Privacy Control - Click on the Advanced button

Screenshot 3 - Advanced Web Contents Options

Screenshot 3 - Advanced Web Contents Options

5. Click on the Add Site button

Screenshot 4 - New Site/Domain

Screenshot 4 - New Site/Domain

6. Type in the following web site address (you can copy and paste them):

7. click OK

Screenshot 5 - Advanced Web Contents options with

8. Select each new domain you have just added

9. under "information about visited sites"

  • DE-select "use default settings"

  • click "permit"

10. Return to Step 5 and add the list of domains listed below:

Close Norton and delete your Temporary Internet Files (in Internet Explorer, click TOOLS and INTERNET OPTIONS and then click DELETE FILES from the Temporary Internet Files section). Close Internet Explorer then open a new Internet Explorer window and re-load the web site. That should tell Norton to stop messing with the site. MacAfee's firewall configures similarly, see your owner's manual for details.


graphics quality

The graphics look blurry and pixilated. What's up with that?

If you are using AOL, many of our graphics may appear blurred or pixilated. This is because AOL uses a graphics compression scheme that saves you time downloading but makes the graphics look absolutely terrible. If you are using an "optimized" or "high speed" dialup connection, most likely your "top speed" or "optimized" dialup connection achieves its speed by short-changing you on the graphics: by downloading low-resolution alternatives to our graphics.

We work very hard to create the best quality graphics we can achieve at a minimum file size for optimum downloading speed. Whether you want fast speed or better-looking graphics is ultimately your choice. To improve the quality of your visit here, you should turn compressed graphics OFF in your web browser.



america online users

I'm using AOL to view the site and the site doesn't seem to work.

This site is not compatible with AOL's built-in web browser. Their web browser looks like Microsoft Internet Explorer, but it is really a proprietary version of MSIE, designed to block and interfere with web sites AOL doesn't like. Many of our Special edition pages are designed to be viewed in Kiosk or "Full Screen: mode, and AOL's web browser does not permit that.

We STRONGLY discourage use of AOL's built-in web browser to view this web site. Instead, we encourage you to login to AOL (if that is your only internet connection) and, once you've logged on, launch Internet Explorer by clicking START and selecting INTERNET EXPLORER. Then load our web site in MSIE.

To log off, you must exit AOL.

You have to go out the way you came in. If you used AOL to connect to the Internet, you must exit AOL when you wish to disconnect. Otherwise your computer will continue to redial into AOL to attempt to re-establish your Internet connection.

This sounds more complicated than it actually is.

Why the site doesn't work with AOL:

AOL's web browser LOOKS like Microsoft Internet Explorer, but it is NOT MSIE. Microsoft and AOL had a falling out a little bit ago, and Microsoft no longer properly supports AOL's program.

AOL wants to sell you stuff. AOL wants to push stuff on you and control what you see on your computer screen. Thus, AOL will not allow you to view websites in full screen mode. Full screen mode covers AOL completely, and AOL will not allow that.

AOL uses compressed graphics by default. This doesn't allow JavaScript to work while browsing inside AOL (additionally, this makes photos you view on web pages look less than optimal).

If you are bound and determined to use AOL's crummy web browser, you could try switching the graphics to UNCOMPRESSED and dumping the browser cache.

Believe me, launching Internet Explorer is MUCH EASIER and SIMPLER and MORE EFFECTIVE. But, if you're a die-hard AOL fan, try this:

1.  Click Settings.

2.  Click Preferences.

3.  Click Internet Properties (WWW).

4.  Click Web Graphics tab.

5.  Check Never Compress Graphics.

6.  Click OK Restart the computer.

If the site STILL does not load properly, I strongly urge you to not use AOL's browser. Launch Internet Explorer as directed above.


page transitions

I Clicked A Link And Nothing Happened!
This Website Is So SLOW!

Most of the pages on this site use a transitional effect that blends the incoming page with the existing one. In order for this effect to work, your computer must draw the new page before it releases the old page. If you click a link and nothing happens, your computer is probably assembling the new page, downloading the graphics and getting the page completely drawn before it releases the page you are on.

This slowness is especially evident if you are using a dial-up modem connection. Once you have visited the site a few times, this wait will become less and less of an issue, as your Web Browser will be storing many of these images in its memory (cache).

One thing you should do, if you are using a dialup modem connection: check your connection speed. Click on the flashing dual terminal icon on the task bar and see how fast your connection is. The fastest dialup connection speed currently available is 56.6 kbs. But, just because your modem says it's 56.6kps doesn't mean you are actually getting that speed. Your actual speed is whatever your phone company lets you have. If your actual speed is 33kps or less, this site will load very slowly and likely drive you nuts.

If you have a poor connection speed, check your manuals for the manufacturer of your modem. Then visit your modem manufacturer's web site to download the latest driver for you modem. This may help increase your modem's efficiency.  BACK TO TOP


macintosh users

Lise's site should work well with Safari for Macintosh OSX at a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher. If you are using Internet Explorer for the Mac, be sure you are using Version 5.2 for OSX or 5.1.7 for OS 7, 8 and 9.x. To check your version of Internet Explorer, select "About Internet Explorer" from the Apple Menu. To upgrade your version of Internet Explorer for Macintosh, click here.

Mac System 9 users: Microsoft Internet Explorer no longer supports the Macintosh platform. As a result, Apple's Quicktime plugin may not work for Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh. If you are using Macintosh System 9 or earlier, you may not be able to access this
website's multimedia features.

Mac OSX users: If Lise's site does not load properly, behaves weirdly or draws pages in a weird way, you can tell Safari to behave like Microsoft Internet Explorer by changing your User Agent setting. Select "user agent" from the Safari "debug" menu and choose MSIE 6.0 as your user agent. Then reload Lise's site, and the Windows version of the site should load (it will say "Optimized for Microsoft Internet Explorer" on the start page).

You can also view Lise's site with Mozilla FireFox for Macintosh OSX or Internet Explorer on Windows XP   BACK TO TOP


monitor resolution

Lise's site opens a window frame that requires your computer's monitor to be set at a minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels. If your monitor's resolution is set lower than 1024x768, this window will not be drawn properly and you won't be able to navigate the site.

If you are not sure what size your monitor's screen is, right click on your desktop and select the "Settings" tab from the "Properties" menu.

In Macintosh OSX, select System Preferences from the Apple Menu and then choose "Displays." In Macintosh OS9, choose "Monitors and Sound" from the Control Panels beneath the Apple Menu or from the control strip at the bottom of your desktop.   BACK TO TOP


dialup modem users

If this is your first visit, you may notice a lot of these pages take a very long time loading. Particularly if you are using a dialup modem connection (as opposed to a cable modem or DSL, ISDN or T1 connection, as many people have at work). You do not need a high-speed connection to visit this website, but if you are using a dialup connection, you will need a little patience. This site is fairly graphics intensive, and some pages also have fairly large MP3 files that download when you access those pages for the first time. Once you've visited these pages, and patiently waited for the graphics and sound to download, your next visit should be no wait at all. Your web browser, ideally, should cache these pages and these images so, on your next visit, the page should load much faster. 



images & sound

Please do not link to images or sounds on this site.  You may be able to make limited use media from this site for your personal use, so long as appropriate copyright and trademark notices remain intact. I do not own most of these images, but they are not in the public domain, and the rights of the respective copyright owners must be protected.

Please do not link to sounds or images here for your site. Your site's traffic will be using our bandwidth, and we get charged for that. Linking to images on this site is, in effect, stealing bandwidth, and is subject to legal action. If you want to use sounds or images found here, please upload them on your own server and do not link to this one.

Any use of any sound(s) and/or image(s) found here is at user's own risk, and may be subject to conditions of the copyright owner(s).

Please see our terms of use for additional information. Thanks!  BACK TO TOP


link exchange

Link your site to ours with these ready to use icons. Please do NOT link directly to these images on our server, but save them (right-click and select "Save As") and upload them to your server. Create this URL link for these images:

<a href="" target="_blank">

Visit Inhouse Studios/Lise Hunt Photography     200 pixels

Visit Inhouse Studios/Lise Hunt Photography     130 pixels

Visit Inhouse Studios/Lise Hunt Photography     133 pixels animated gif

Please send us an email to let us know about your site and where our link appears. Thanks for supporting this site! BACK TO TOP


terms of use

LISEHUNT.COM and InHouse Photography are serious about protecting the rights of the copyright owners of the work(s) represented here, and no statement(s) or work(s) hosted here are intended to minimize or in any way interfere with the rights in an to these works. Visiting this site means you have read and accept these terms. If you disagree with any of these terms, do not access or use this site. 

1. INHOUSE PHOTOGRAPHY ("INHOUSE") maintains this site (the "Site") for PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Access is not restricted or fees assessed. Your access to and use of the Site are subject to the following terms (the "Terms") and all applicable laws and regulations. Please note that the Terms may be periodically updated and modified, so please be sure to recheck them. By accessing and using the Site, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the present Terms. You also agree to so accept future updates and modifications of the Terms.

2. In the case of text, you may download one copy of material displayed on the Site for non-commercial, personal use provided that you also retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained on the materials. You may not, however, recopy, distribute, publicly display, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, or use for public or commercial purposes any of the contents of the Site, such as text, images, audio, and video, without INHOUSE's prior written permission. In the event that third parties obtain access to materials that you have downloaded, it is your responsibility to inform them of these Terms. 

3. You should assume, unless otherwise specifically noted, that everything you see or hear on the Site, and any files or programming related to the Site, are protected by proprietary rights, such as copyright, trademark, rights of publicity, etc. Absence of a specific notice of proprietary rights, such as a copyright notice, does not necessarily mean that the item is in the public domain. Unauthorized copying or use of items from the Site can lead to enforcement actions by the holders of proprietary rights, severe penalties, and, in some instances, criminal actions. Please be careful and considerate of proprietary rights

4. Many of the images used on The Site are used in compliance with Section 107 of the United States Penal Code: Limitations On Exclusive Rights: Fair Use. The use of these images is for editorial purposes only, and all rights to these images are the respective property of their copyright owners. INHOUSE in no way challenges the rights of the respective copyright owners and will remove or modify any image or copyright notice thereof at the request of a verifiable agent of the copyright owner. INHOUSE will make every reasonable attempt to present proper notification of copyright and trademark ownership, and where appropriate, provide links to and/or promotional added value to the copyright owner and/or site of origin. INHOUSE will never use private works without permission, and will make every attempt to gain the written permission of private works before adding them to The Site:

Sec. 107
Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include - 

(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 

(2) the nature of the copyrighted work; 

(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and 

(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. 

The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors

5. File Sharing & Artist Rights
Get The Facts About File SharingLISEHUNT.COM is serious about protecting the rights of performing artists. LISEHUNT.COM does not endorse file sharing and has encrypted media clips presented here for editorial and promotional purposes to prevent them from being downloaded or off-loaded. All publishing and copyright notices have remained intact. We have used only edited samples and clips, not entire works, and have provided author and publisher information and, often, retail links to purchase sites. We derive no income from use of these clips nor from these links. We encourage our visitors to purchase this music and not to download it from online bootleg sites or copy CD's borrowed from friends. Music copying and bootlegging is a serious problem that hurts the artists who create this wonderful art and ultimately reduces our choices as consumers because revenues lost to record labels impacts their ability to sign new talent. We will never post songs in full length or in full bandwidth (uncompressed) mode, nor will we post these clips for individual downloading purposes.

LISEHUNT.COM uses BMI to manage digital music rights for this site. BMI became the first music industry organization to embrace the internet as a new venue for the uses of BMI affiliated music when we signed our first internet license in 1995. Since that time BMI created innovative new ways to manage copyrights for the digital world. BMI’s innovations include The Digital Licensing Center, the first end to end automated online licensing system, and our automated music use reporting and digital fee payment systems. Today BMI serves nearly 3,700 different websites and digital music offerings using BMI affiliated music.

6. Claims of Infringement
If you believe that any content appearing on The Site infringes your copyright rights, please contact us first. Please give us the opportunity to correct the problem. LISEHUNT.COM seeks to preserve any and all exemptions from liability that may be available under the copyright law, but does not necessarily stipulate that it is a service provider as defined in USC section 512(c) or elsewhere.

7. The opinions expressed on this site should be considered as the subjective opinion or viewpoint of the contributor. INHOUSE and its personnel make no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the information or items in or related to the Site. INHOUSE and its personnel assume no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of the Site. The information in the Site may be out of date, and INHOUSE makes no commitment to update such information. Text and other items available on the Site may also be subject to additional disclaimers and conditions. 

8. Your access to and use of the Site are at your risk. Under no circumstances, including but not limited to negligence, shall INHOUSE and any other parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect, or punitive damages) arising out of or related to your access to, use of, or inability to access or use the Site, or other locations accessible through the Site, even if INHOUSE or a INHOUSE authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Without limiting the foregoing, everything on the Site is provided to you "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement 

INHOUSE and any other parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site also assume no responsibility for, and shall not be liable for, any damages to or interference with equipment, programs, files, or other property (for example, from viruses) whether such damages are related to access or use of the Site or other locations accessible through the Site. Your sole remedy for dissatisfaction with or damage sustained in connection with the Site is to stop using the Site. Your permission to use the Site may automatically terminate without notice at INHOUSE's sole discretion. Please note that some jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you. Check your local laws for any restrictions or limitations regarding the exclusion of implied warranties. 

9. Any communication or items you transmit to the Site by electronic mail or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, etc. is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. Anything you transmit or post may be used by INHOUSE without any obligation to you or any other party, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcast and posting. To the extent waivable, you waive any so-called "moral rights" or droit morale in communications or items that you transmit to the Site.

10. Nothing contained on the Site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, service mark, trade dress, or logo displayed on or associated with the Site. INHOUSE is not necessarily affiliated with sites that may be linked to this Site and is not responsible for the content of any linked sites or any link contained in a linked site or any changes or updates to such sites (collectively, "Linked Sites"). 

11. INHOUSE has no control over Linked Sites and cannot endorse or make any representations regarding any Linked Sites. Your linking to any Linked Sites is at your own risk.

12. Users of this Site are prohibited from posting or transmitting any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation. 

13. For the protection of Site users and the Site, INHOUSE will fully cooperate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing INHOUSE to disclose the identity of anyone allegedly posting any such information or materials. You agree to indemnify INHOUSE and all other parties involved in creating, producing, or delivering the Site for any and all claims, damages, losses, and causes of action arising out of your failure to comply with these Terms. While INHOUSE does not and cannot review every communication from or submission by users of the Site, and is not responsible for the content of those communications and submissions, INHOUSE reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete or edit such communications or submissions.

14. Certain non-personal information of visitors is recorded by the standard operation of the Site. This information is primarily used to determine the frequency and nature of the uses of this Site and its features. By having this information, we can provide better and continued service. 

15. The Site is controlled and operated by INHOUSE from its offices within the State of Colorado, United States of America. INHOUSE makes no representation that materials in the Site are appropriate for use in other locations. Those who choose to access the Site from other locations do so at their own risk and are responsible for compliance with any and all local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable. No item from the Site may be downloaded or exported or reexported into (or to a national or resident of) any countries that are subject to U.S. export restrictions on such item.

16. This agreement is entered into in the State of Colorado and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. You hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in El Paso County, Colorado, for the purposes of litigating any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Terms and agree not to commence any such action against INHOUSE other than in such courts. 

17. If any of the provisions of this agreement are held by a court or a tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provisions shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter herein. 



privacy policy

INHOUSE does not collect or maintain user information about visitors, other than eMail addresses of parties corresponding with INHOUSE. We do not sell or lease InHouse Photography mailing list(s), nor do we make any information about our visitors available to any parties. Weblog and message board posts are public areas. If you include your eMail and web address in your post, it will be made public when you publish to this site.


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